Sermon Archive Aug 30, 2020 The Church on the move Acts chapter 1 verses 12-26 and Acts chapter 2 verses 1-5 Aug 23, 2020 The Words and Works of Christ that changed the world (Part 3) Acts chapter 1 verses 8-11 Aug 16, 2020, Dr. Christopher M. Webb, Message Title: The Words and Works of Christ that changed the world (part 2) Acts Ch 1: 1-5 Aug 9, 2020, Dr. Christopher M. Webb, Message Title: I will build My Church Matt 16: 13-19 July 12, 2020, Dr. Christopher M. Webb, Message Title: A Summer in the Psalm: (continue), Psalm 8: The Excellent name of the Lord Who is in total control. July 5, 2020, Dr. Christopher M. Webb, Message Title: A Summer in the Psalm: (continue), Psalm 3: The Lord our shield during times of uncertainty. June 21, 2020, Dr. Christopher M. Webb, Message Title: God’s Amazing Grace: Sufficient for the Journeys of life, (continue), Ephesians 2:10 (Part 5) June 14, 2020, Dr. Christopher M. Webb, Message Title: God’s Amazing Grace: Sufficient for the Journeys of life, (continue), Ephesians 2:4-9 (Part 4) June 7, 2020, Dr. Christopher M. Webb, Message Title: God’s Amazing Grace: Sufficient for the Journeys of life, Ephesians 2:1-3 (Part 3) May 24, 2020, Dr. Christopher M. Webb, Message Title: God’s Amazing Grace: Sufficient for the Journeys of life, 2 Corinthians 12:1-10 (Part 2) May 17, 2020, Dr. Christopher M. Webb, Message Title: God’s Amazing Grace: Sufficient for the Journeys of life, Titus 2:11-15 (Part 1) May 3, 2020, Dr. Christopher M. Webb, Message Title: The Pathway to Salvation: The Only Way for the World to get Right with God” Romans chapter 3 April 26, 2020, Dr. Christopher M. Webb, Message Title: You Must Be Born Again: Life Changing Words from The Savior John 3:1-21 April 19, 2020, Dr. Christopher M. Webb, Message Title: Forty Days that Changed the World, Acts 11:1- 11 April 12, 2020, Dr. Chris Webb, Message Title: The Victorious Power of the Resurrection I Corinthians 15:12-22 April 5, 2020, Dr. Chris Webb, Message Title: The Triumphal Purpose of Salvation Romans 3:19-23 March 29, 2020, Dr. Chris Webb, Message Title: Trusting Christ in the midst of crisis (Part 2) Romans chapter 8 March 22, 2020, Dr. Chris Webb, Message Title: Trusting Christ in the midst of crisis (Part 1) Romans chapter 8