10 Practical Ways to Invite Someone to Church

    1. Use and invitation card that contains worship times and location. Invitation cards are in the foyer of the church.
    2. Email ~ (Template)
      Hi ___________I hope you are having a great day!As you know, I’m a part of New Bethel Baptist Church and I’m so excited about all the great work the Lord is doing here! We have ministries that reach out to all age groups, as well as ministries that reach out to our community, nation, and world. I would love to have you come and experience the value of these ministries and to hear our new Senior Pastor, Dr. Christopher M. Webb, teach from God’s Word.For His Glory, ____________________Signature
    3. Text Message (Template)
      Hey _________ , I would love for you to join me at church this Sunday! Will you be in the area this weekend? I usually go to the Sunday School at 9:45am and worship service at 11:00am, too. I hope one of those times will work for you? Praying for you and your family.For His Glory, ____________________Signature
    4. Handwritten Letter (Template)
      Hey __________________, Individual’s nameI would love to have you join me at church here at New Bethel some time soon! We have Sunday School every Sunday at 9:45am. We have worship service, which begins at 11:00am every Sunday. I’d love to talk more about this, so I’ll call or text you in a few days.Praying for you and your family. Have a great day!For His Glory, _____________________Your Signature
    5. Facebook. Just simply invite them to come to NBBC.
    6. TwitterJust simply invite them to come to NBBC.
    7. InstagramJust simply invite to come to NBBC.  
    8. Phone Call or Face-to-face (Template). Ask questions like, I hope all is well with you and your family?
      – Give reason for your call.
      – Talk about all the ways the Lord is working at New Bethel. (We have had several to receive Christ as Savior.
      – Ministries for all ages (Children, Youth, Young Adults)
      Service and missions efforts (Baptist Men, WMU, Youth feeding the homeless)
      – New Senior Pastor
      * Discuss worship service times (Sunday School 9:45am; Worship Service 11:00am)
      * Invite them to come and be your guest.
      * Arrange details of their visit.
      Let them know you and the church family are praying for them and their family.
    9. Be intentional! Ask if they need a ride and make yourself available. Help your guests that you genuinely want to see them at NBBC.
    10. Use a “Gospel Track” and just plainly invite them to NBBC.  Gospel Tracks are in the foyer of the church.